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eTesting Options Outside the Testing Center

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If you are unable to schedule your exams in the Testing Center, Respondus LockDown Browser has been installed in all Computer Lab Classrooms at University Park and in some college and departmental labs. Respondus LockDown Browser works with Canvas to prevent access to other programs or screens during the exam.

The Computer Lab Classrooms (STECs) are limited in number and capacity. They are heavily used during daytime hours, but some are available for evening exams.

To schedule an STEC classroom, please coordinate with your department scheduler. If your course is not currently scheduled in an STEC classroom, you will need to submit an Evening Exam Form; your dean is automatically sent a request for approval.

The registrar's office determines the STEC(s) for an evening exam, but you may indicated your preference for a particular STEC room or rooms in the Comments section of the form. If your course has a large enrollment, your exam will likely be scheduled in multiple rooms, which will each need a proctor.

Exam proctoring should be supervised by the instructor or a non-undergraduate designee. Respondus does not stop a student from using a second device or from allowing another user to control their computer remotely, so it is not available for download to student devices.

Learn about Assessment Options by campus and course mode at https://integrity.psu.edu/academic-integrity.

ADA Accommodations

Canvas Status

Stay up-to-date on Canvas's current status at http://status.instructure.com/

eTesting Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring

Week 1-2: 8:00A - 5:00P, Monday through Friday

Week 3-15: 8:00A - 11:00P, Monday through Friday


eTesting Closed

Scanning Operations

Fall and Spring

Week 1-2: 8:00A - 5:00P, Monday through Friday

Week 3-15: 8:00A - 11:00P, Monday through Friday


Hours to be determined.

Closed on University holidays

Closed during UP campus closures

Contact Us

eTesting Lab

504 Pollock Road
104 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 865-9784
Email: eTest@psu.edu

Scanning Services

504 Pollock Road
105 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 863-2802
Email: scan@psu.edu

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