The instructor must be reachable, preferably by cell phone, from 7:30 - 8:30 am on the first day of each exam. Instructors may appoint a proxy for this role, but they must have decision authority and be able to change exam settings in Canvas. Please plan to be reachable during your exam because problems can arise in the middle of the day.
Testing Center staff cannot make changes to your Canvas exams. Canvas Support staff may be able to intervene for some technical issues, but they cannot change content.
Please follow the instructions for Preparing an Exam for the Pollock Testing Center. If you do not follow these instructions, your exam will not function properly on the day(s) of your exam. If there is a problem and we cannot reach you, all subsequent testing will be impossible.
Exams should be named in the following format: Exam_#_CourseNumber_Semester
Please keep your exam names relatively short. When you enable Respondus LockDown Browser in Canvas, that program automatically adds a note to the title indicating that it requires Respondus.
Five (5) business days before your exam start date, Testing Center staff will manually link your exam to our testing systems. After this date, the exam name and settings cannot be changed, but exam content can be updated until 24 hours before the exam.
In rare cases, instructors may need to change the exam within that 24 hours. If this happens, please contact Testing Center staff to let them know. Failure to notify the Testing Center staff will cause your students to receive the wrong exam. Regular use of this emergency change service could make your course ineligible for future scheduling.
Instructors with exams administered in the Testing Center are welcome to try to schedule makeup exams in Pollock. However, there are relatively few spots available in any one timeslot. Some days do not have any free space.
Stay up-to-date on Canvas's current status at
Week 1-2: 8:00A - 5:00P, Monday through Friday
Week 3-15: 8:00A - 11:00P, Monday through Friday
eTesting Closed
Week 1-2: 8:00A - 5:00P, Monday through Friday
Week 3-15: 8:00A - 11:00P, Monday through Friday
Hours to be determined.
Closed on University holidays
Closed during UP campus closures
504 Pollock Road
104 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 865-9784
504 Pollock Road
105 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 863-2802